Monday, November 29, 2010

Personal Experiences

I completely agree with the article “Rigor Redefined” because I have had my own personal experiences with this. I was volunteering over the summer and when I went in for an interview the lady said that I needed to ask good questions. Asking good questions is a key thing is school to because your just learning how to do these things and same with in the work world. Leadership and teamwork is another thing that is taught in schools today. We use these when we are put in groups with other students. There are some cases where one kid does all the work but others where every body does there part and gets the project done. That is why I completely agree with this article because of my personal experiences.   

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The video "Wed 2.0...The Machine is Us/ing us" is a very powerful video on the machines we use. This made me think about all those movies like Terminator and I Robot where we put so much information into the machine that it kills us. I'm not saying that the internet is going to do that but maybe the internet is leading to greater advancements in technology. These advancements might be able to hurts us. Like people think that it would be so cool to have a car that can drive itself we will think that right up until it fails or crashes. So that got me thinking that we might have a machine that thinks for itself? If we do how are we going to fix that problem? We can't build another machine. We will have to face the fact that we can't go to far with this, some things we will have to do ourselves. That is what the video made me think of that we can't try to fix whats not broken. 

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Being Watched

The Internet has become a very useful tool that most people use these days. I read Kiss Your Privacy Goodbye by Larry Flynt. This article discuses how Facebook, Twitter, and Myspace that are used by so many people may be impossible to keep your files private.The minute you sign onto the Internet you are being watched, not just by our government, but also by our major corporations”. This quote scares me because I use the Internet every day and knowing that people are watching what I do could give out a lot of information. He said that major corporations can watch me, if they can then why not strangers? If that is happening then we all could be giving out personal information like where we live, what we like, and even conversations with our friends. If I am telling my friend something very personal or even where I will be the next day then a stranger could intercept that information and be there or use that personal information against me. With the technology these days it is very easy to put out a picture or type something that can get all over the Internet before you can delete it. Even when you hit that delete button it still out there, it doesn’t just go away forever. This is how I feel about Internet privacy. 

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Marijuana should not be leagal

I have just read the article Prop 19 Analysis: Will Marijuana Legalization Increase Use? By Maia Szalavitz this article struck me in many different ways, first maybe it will decrease the use of it, next is the use of it sense we legalized it for the sick, and last is will it lead to more drug use.  First of all this could actually work having it legalized because some kids probable do it just to be above the law. If that is true then will they move on to do other maybe even worse illegal stuff? The second thing I noticed was sense we legalized it for the sick the cost on the street has gone down and more and more people have been arrested for using it. So if it becomes completely legal then will even more people be tempted to try it? My last point is that if we legalize marijuana then will we be getting closer to legalizing other drugs? If you think about it then after its legalized there will be another drug out there that people will go to that is illegal and if that drug becomes more popular then will we legalize it for less use? That is some thing to think about.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Todays technology

I have just read "Footprints in The Digital Age" by Will Richardson this article explains how people in this age and with the technology that we have it's getting easier for ppeople to get googled or searched on the internet. It also explains how in this age there is so much technology it's hard to keep up. This is very true because there is so much technology that some teachers dont know how to use it, there are even some all online schools. It is also very true that people can be googled with all the facebook, blog posts, and wiki spaces that are out there. This makes you think of how the future will be like with all advances will we even have to go to class to learn? will school be shortened? no one can answer these questions yet but all these could very well happen. That is what i think about todays technology.  

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Is the I phone worth it?

I chose the article “Hey Soldier Your in the Smart Phone Army Now!” by Mark Thompson I chose this because I believe they are using this as a tool to recruit more troops. By giving troops the I phone when they show up for basic training is appealing to the lower class. This is appealing to them because the upper and probably most of  the middle class people already have the I phone and don’t need one. Plus they are not only just giving them the I phone they are paying its monthly bills. The army claims that it will be helpful with all the army apps out there but we all know thats not the only thing the troops will use it for. I know plenty of people with the I phone and they use it for games and all the other cool apps they have out there to make life easier. If the army really wanted its soldiers to read whatever they need them to read when they have free time then they can give soldiers a book on what they need to read. What has our Army come to? In the future will they just be giving us the next best thing out there? This is some thing to think about because are people really willing to risk there lives to have the next best thing? Some people are and I don’t think it is worth it, I wish I could have the I phone but I’m not going to go into the army for just that purpose. I can guarantee that their are teenagers out their that are willing to do that. Plus if someone is thinking about going into the army then this could be the thing that makes them want to do it. That is why I believe that this is just a tool to get more troops.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

ITs almost to easy

The article I read “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” by Nicholas Carr this article talks about how Google is to easy for users. I believe that Google is making us stupid because I could have just as easily looked this article up on Google and read a summery about it in like 5 minutes instead of actually reading it. That just shoes you how it is making us stupid because we don’t actually have to do our work. I also read somewhere that Google is making it easier for mispellers, so people wont have to know how to spell to get what they are looking for. This article also talks about how when using Google it makes it harder for people to stay focused on longer pieces. This is very true because while I was reading this article my mind would wonder off and think about other things, so I would have to go back and read it over again. It also took me a few days to finish it because it was so boring and I couldn’t stay focused on it. This kind of makes you think about what will the future be like if every think keeps getting easier? Will every thing be done for you? This could very easily happen because nobody wants to half to do there own work. So if some one could make it just that much easier to get it done you wouldn't refuse. 

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Never Give Up

I chose for my blog “You Tube’s Rising Cartoon Star” by James Gavin, this is a very interesting article that struck me in many different ways. This article is about the cartoon Smigly that is currently on You Tube. When I watched one of these episodes it didn’t make sense to me at first, in this video there is a man playing saxophone on the street while a man constantly criticizes him on his playing. While the man is playing he blows out his heart into his saxophone and dies. This video was a metaphor for the mans life on how he took so much rejection from the world it was hard to handle and he couldn’t keep his soul intact. This was very strange to me because at first I could understand why he just died on the street. From rejection from one guy but then I got that that one man is representing the whole world and how they were rejecting him on his dream to become a saxophone player. I understand now that some times things can be overwhelming and you just want to give up on it. This guy goes to show you that you can’t quit eventually things will get better, because now this man has a very successful show on You Tube. However the article points out that he is fighting the same struggle other people are is how to make money off of stuff on the internet. 

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Student Perspective

This youtube video really struck me for many different reasons. All this information is very true, my favorite are them buying laptops that they use mainly for social reasons then for school (which is what they bought them for). This also shows that sitting there isnt helping them with what they are learnng, it would help more to accually do what they are learning about. The thing to think about is what would kids grades be like if they were in control? Another thing they mentioned was in that school they have 26 hour days because of work and studying.  I dont think that the teachers take that kind of stuff into consideration. I believe that if i were able to read about what i want4ed to read about i would be better at it because its more interesting. I really injoyed this video because it really told people the world in the student perspective.